Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No. 8

#8 What concepts in the Sawi culture intrigued / reviled / saddened / angered / surprised you?

There are many concepts within the Sawi culture that have intrigued, surprised, or even angered me. When I read about the gruesome cannibalism, I was shockingly appalled. How can a man eat another man? I do not understand why a person would fatten another man with friendship to slaughter them. The credo of the Sawi culture might be treachery, but is it really necessary for them to eat the victim?

Then, the concept of giving a Peace Child overwhelmingly surprised me. Imagine how hard it is for parents to give up their own child. The children are like their own flesh. I was surprised at the fact that they would actually sacrifice their precious child for the sake of serenity. Well, I, not having a child, could not fully comprehend the feeling of giving up one’s child, but even the thought of that is just nonsense to me. To worsen the situation, they have to nurture the child of the enemy as a replacement for their own baby. Wow…

Overall, I was surprised and disgusted by their benighted culture, not being able to comprehend why they would do such a thing.

1 comment:

choism said...

Hey James
I think everybody who reads the book without knowing its content, will without a doubt be shocked by cannablism and peace child. That is the reason why the missonaries are there to help them accept christinaiy which is more forgiving and not gruesome. Shouldn't we also act about things that anger us? This book makes me reflect. Good post!