Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No. 9

#9 How did Christianity change this culture?

The Sawi culture, before the arrival of Don Richardson, was a culture that consisted of abominable treachery and vile cannibalism. As Don Richardson and his wife began a journey to acquaint this archaic culture with Christianity, they began to see drastic changes.

Don diligently delineated the life of Christ to the Sawi people. At first the Sawi, immured by the thought of treachery, were unable to understand the role of Jesus and misinterpreted that Judas was the real hero. But as the relationship between the Sawi tribe exacerbated, they gradually came closer to Christ. The Sawi then understood the role of Jesus and have accepted Christ as their Peace Child. Vendetta between the Sawi tribes soon seized and their demeanor toward each other altered.

Thus, Christianity, brining the Sawi culture to the acknowledgement of Christ, has changed this blood-thirsty culture by making it abandon its nefarious headhunting customs and its wicked practices.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Good ideas, James. Do read through your post first, it definitely could have done with another edit. Mrs.Mc.